Friday 30 January 2015

Welcome to Room 6

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Welcome to Room 6 for 2015.  

In Room 6 we start the year with a focus on Cybersafety where we will be learning to be responsible digital citizens.  We currently have 18 windows based devices in the classroom as well as 12 Chromebooks that are used on a daily basis.  The children will have access to their own Google Drive account so they are able to complete learning tasks from home and school.

There will be a strong focus on literacy and numeracy this term as well as formal testing such as PATs and Probe.

The ‘Habits’ that we will be focusing on this term are Listening with Empathy and Understanding and Persisting.

Dates of upcoming events and children’s learning will be posted here on the class blog. Make sure that you FOLLOW BY EMAIL to keep in touch .

Camp is taking place in Week 6 of Term 4 at Camp Kaitawa near Lake Waikaremoana  Cost is still being finalised but will be around $200 per child.  In the past some parents have arranged automatic payments from the beginning of the year.  More detailed newsletters and requests for parent help will be out later.

Homework will consist of:
Reading – daily – to be recorded in the Reading Log.
Spelling – weekly – 10 words either topic or level based or from their writing.
Maths – number knowledge from the School Number Ladder.

There may be additional activities at times throughout the year which will be itemised in their homework book.  

Please check and sign this daily.

Communication is important to me and if you have any concerns or queries, email me or pop into class to arrange a time for discussion.

David Barclay