Sunday 7 June 2015

Week 8

Congratulations to the class orienteering children who competed successfully on Sunday morning (checkout previous post) and  those who then turned up for a 20km cycle ride in the afternoon!


I would still like to hear from any parents who can help with the Camp fundraiser on Sunday 21st.

Last chance for those wishing to attend the NYLD to get their applications in!  9.00am Monday.  Well done to those who have forwarded the applications to Mrs Gallen and myself.

This Thursday we have a school hangi.  Make sure that your parents have seen the notice and return it to me at school if they can help out.

Please return technology challenge notices for the Wednesday event.

Cycling Champs notices out on Monday.

Kahurangi Dance Group on Friday - remember your notices!

This Week

We will be writing procedures, finishing off measurement (perimeter and area), practicing technology skills and learning about Matariki.

Remember to check out your child's blogs for their latest learning!